Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Thank you all for your past business!

As of 2013, I will not be selling daylilies any longer. With the death of my husband in late 2011, and with a full-time job outside the farm, it is just too hard to maintain the garden by myself. I am currently exploring donations of stock to non-profit entities, churches, garden clubs, etc. If you are aware of a local need such as this, please contact me.
I would like to thank all of my past customers for their business. It has been a really fun experience getting to know you all! I will miss the annual Open House day; it was always busy, but fun (even my workers agree)!
If you ever have any questions about daylilies or your purchases, please don't hesitate to contact me. Again, it was a great pleasure to know you all, and I appreciate your past business.
With wishes for a great daylily season ahead, I remain,
Yours truly,
Kris Henning, Proprietor
Spirit Lake Daylilies

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